Instacart Express
What is Instacart Express?
Instacart Express members get unlimited free delivery and pickup on all orders over $35. To sign up or manage your Instacart Express membership visit our Instacart Express page. There you can manage your Express subscription type, renewal settings, subscription payment method, and even set a subscription renewal reminder.
How much does an Instacart Express membership cost?
Instacart express is $99/year or $9.99/month. Please note that cancelling your membership renewal will not cancel your active membership for the current period or issue a refund for a membership renewal charge.
How do I cancel my Instacart Express Membership?
You can manage your membership and cancel your membership from our Instacart Express page.
Instacart Account Settings
How do I link my Instacart account to my Sprouts account?
“Account Settings” page on or on your Sprouts Mobile app. Navigate to the “Instacart +” section and click on “Link to your Instacart + account”. This will allow you to apply your IC+ benefits to your orders on orders.
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