World Fair Trade Day

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As a consumer, every purchase you make is a vote within the market place. You have the ability to influence not only which products you see on shelves, but also where those products come from and how they’re made. When you choose fair trade products and ingredients, you help improve the lives of farmers, farm-workers, producers and their families. World Fair Trade Day is May 12th this year. A global celebration of fair trade, it brings together thousands of people who are committed to building healthy and sustainable communities worldwide. Vote for positive change this May and every day when you purchase dedicated fair trade brands. World Trade Day

10 Principles of Fair Trade*

  1. Opportunities for disadvantaged producers
  2. Transparency & accountability
  3. Fair trade practices
  4. Fair payment
  5. No child labor, no forced labor
  6. No discrimination, gender equity, freedom of association
  7. Good working conditions
  8. Capacity building
  9. Promote fair trade
  10.  Respect for the environment
*Courtesy of the World Fair Trade Organization website

Did you know?

The Fair Trade movement started in the United States in 1946. You can read more about the history of the Fair Trade movement on the World Fair Trade Organization website.