How do I redeem digital coupons?

We’re proud to offer guests with a Sprouts account more than $100 in savings each month with exclusive promotions and digital coupons. Please log in to your Sprouts account to begin.
Redeeming digital coupons in-store:
On, visit to view available coupons. On the Sprouts app, click the Coupons button. Click the green “Clip” button. After picking up your items in-store, scan your “Sprouts app barcode” at checkout to redeem your clipped coupon(s). Your unique barcode can be found on the Sprouts app by clicking the three bars at the bottom of the app and then clicking “Sprouts Rewards” or at
Redeeming digital coupons online:
Visit to view available coupons. On the Sprouts app, click the Coupons button. Click the green ”Clip” button to add the coupon to your account. Any products with a clipped offer that meet the coupon requirements will receive the discount during your online checkout.